Friday, July 25, 2008

Appointments, aggravations, and airplanes

Today we woke up to a rainy day. Very typical for Ketchikan (or anywhere in Southeast Alaska, for that matter). Today Grandma had an MRI at the hospital (it was previously scheduled) and we really didn't do much else today, since it's been raining.

As I was sitting in the hospital waiting room for 2 hours, I couldn't help overhearing a conversation between a mother and her grown daughter. I couldn't help overhearing because she was talking so VERY LOUD! Wow, it was really annoying, especially since I was trying to read a book. I think I read the same page 4 times because I really couldn't understand what I was reading. Too hard to concentrate with her talking so loud. But in between the words I was trying so desperately to focus on, I heard all about her life situation. Well, first she was trying to solve a crossword puzzle (which my nieces could probably have done), and she couldn't figure out the answers. I just wanted to shout out the answers so maybe she'd BE QUIET and I could read my book. But I refrained. When the puzzle was done, then I got to hear her one-sided conversation with the clinic as she was trying to schedule an appointment for a test..."you know, the one that goes 'beep, beep, beep' and then they put dye in you and stuff." So anyway, after I finally got through 1 page of my book, she finally quieted down a little, but then I realized it was because she was eating. Food gone...her mouth continued moving, but this time since there was no food to muffle her sounds, I was able to hear her again. Well, anyway, it was an aggravating hour until she left, but at least I could be glad I didn't have her problems. Thanks, God, for my health!

This afternoon, we've just been hanging out in the hotel room, watching (and hearing) the sea planes land outside our window. They've been very busy today! Since I didn't want to disappoint anyone, I took a couple pictures to show what the day looks like. Don't get your hopes up. They're not that great. But our favorite view is the Golden Arches at the end of the parking lot! We've been there a few times during this trip!


erin said...

haha..... at least the lady didn't ask you, "wanna hear my dream?"

erin said...

wasn't there another waiting room you could have gone to?

Heather said...
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Heather said...

Yeah, I could have gone to another waiting room, but I didn't want Grandma to come out from the MRI and wonder where I was.